August & Viktoria

Front page Newspaper August & Viktoria, No. 24/25
Front page newspaper “August & Viktoria”, No. 24/25
Poster August & Viktoria, 1995 – 2001
Poster August & Viktoria, 1995 – 2001

The newspaper was published from 1995 to 2001 (until the hospital was incorporated into the Berlin municipal hospital group Vivantes).

Index and overview of all years can be found on page 10 f of No. 24/25.

No. 24/25 | August 2001 including 4 pages of special section
No. 23 | March 2001
No. 22 | December 2000
No. 21 | October 2000
No. 20 | July 2000
No. 19 | March 2000 including “AVK extra”
No. 18 | December 1999
No. 17 | October 1999
No. 16 | June 1999
No. 15 | March 1999
No. 14 | December 1998
No. 13 | September 1998
No. 12 | June 1998
No. 11 | March 1998
No. 10 | November 1997
No. 9 | September 1997
No. 8 | July 1997
No. 7 | April 1997
No. 6 | February 1997
No. 5 | December 1996
No. 4 | October 1996 including “WHO extra”
No. 3 | July 1996
No. 2 | April 1996
No. 1 | December 1995

August & Viktoria
Die Zeitung für Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen des Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikums
Staff newspaper of the hospital Auguste Viktoria
ISSN 1430-0419 (Print)
ISSN 1618-1867 (Internet)

Publisher: Management of the Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum, a hospital of the Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH, Rubensstraße 125, 12157 Berlin

Editing & Production: diálogo Büro für Kommunikation und Medien
Stefan M. Schult de Morais
Graphic design: punkt 8, Berlin

The newspaper was published four times a year, supplemented by additional editions as necessary.