
© diálogo
© diálogo

diálogo Agency for Communication and Media acts in the traditional area of a communication agency (e. g. public relations, project management, corporate design), but mainly offers integrated services with media and measures for internal and external communication: from the idea and conception through consulting and management to the realization or ready-made product – online, offline, print.

For the most part diálogo Agency for Communication and Media realizes projects for institutions in the area of public health and university medicine as well as for social and non-profit-making organizations/NGOs and in the area of arts and culture. Since 2000 diálogo Agency for Communication and Media publishes the edition ViaArte. And since 2001 we are running a three years vocational training in new media.

We are specialized in text and conception incl. graphic design, editing, proof-reading and public relations. For internet presentations we not only offer the concept, screen design and programming but also a sound journalistic content management and further development of websites.

Special needs require specialists for optimal solutions: diálogo Agency for Communication and Media works within relevant associations and co-operates with reliable partners e. g. in print, photography, exhibition design, film and new media.

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