alles klar: KNK

Front page Newspaper alles klar: KNK, No. 9
Front page Newspaper “alles klar: KNK”, No. 9

The newspaper was published from 1999 to 2001 (until the hospital was incorporated into the Berlin municipal hospital group Vivantes).

No. 9 | July 2001
No. 8 | April 2001
No. 7 | December 2000
No. 6 | October 2000
No. 5 | July 2000
No. 4 | March 2000 including the supplement “Orthopädie extra”
No. 3 | December 1999
No. 2 | October 1999
No. 1 | June 1999

alles klar: KNK
Zeitung für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Klinikum Neukölln
Staff newspaper of the Neukölln Hospital
ISSN 1438-0315 (Print)
ISSN 1438-0323 (Internet)

Publisher: Management of the Klinikum Neukölln, a hospital of the Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH, Rudower Straße 48, 12313 Berlin

Editing & Production: diálogo Büro für Kommunikation und Medien, Stefan M. Schult de Morais
Graphic design: sans serif

Circulation: 3.000 – 5.000
The newspaper was published four times a year.